yechte’s growth in an expanding IT Consultancy market: cloud, consolidation and responsible innovation. yechte has historically been driven by entrepreneurial values, but cloud solutions and a tech-driven approach to management is becoming an imperative. yechte 5.0 is the project at the heart of our company’s digital transformation.

Industry: IT Consultancy

The Challenge

  • yechte is occupying a growing place in the IT Consultancy space in Europe. We needed a digital solution that positions us appropriately in the market and bridges the gap between many actors: recruiters, customers, employees and management.
  • Greater workload flexibility, better use of cloud solutions, and more energy-efficient infrastructure to make yechte a more robust business.
  • IT governance, GDPR compliance and optimized cyber security for 2020 and beyond.
  • To improve our modus operandi, we required a greater interoperability of employees, more agility in day-to-day operations to respond better to a fast-moving market.

Transformative Solution

  • Motivational purpose: The first step towards a sustainable tech journey begins with selecting the right underlying technology. By opting for cloud solutions and a centralized ERP application, we have given ourselves the freedom to reengineer the way we work. Planning, managing, operating our company and hiring our staff more efficiently.
  • Setting our ambition: setting a roadmap for evolving yechte ‘as a product’ where all actors can experience substantial improvements over time. Adhering to a monthly release schedule, a definition of goals and priorities and ongoing improvements.
  • Leading by example: setting the precedent for an enterprise solution that is scalable and affordable. Reducing internal admin-intensive processes, reinforcing collaboration and sharing knowledge across our employees. Stronger engagement with customers and a reduced carbon-footprint.
  • Adaptable: reflecting on trends through consolidated analytics, becoming naturally resilient by elevating the level of engagement with employees and customers.

The Business Impact

12% Productivity increase

Following the launch of yechte 5.0, we have observed a direct increase in monthly productivity

8% R&D yearly spent

yechte invests more than 8% of its turnover into R&D projects. yechte 5.0 is fully funded by this budget

20% CO2 reduction

Thanks to leaner tech, our server cost and carbon footprint have substantially been reduced

"With yechte 5.0, we’ve implemented a flexible, up-to-date system that sits at the crossroad of innovation, governance and automation. As a company, we took the freedom to reengineer our operations. This has immediately improved our performance and increased our revenues"

Ben Tellin - Managing Director, Europe