Platform Update v6.2: Enhancements & New Features
**Consultants Section**
The latest update introduces a dedicated 'Consultants Section,' a section designed to provide a visibility of our talent. This new feature allows visitors to effortlessly browse through consultant profiles, and schedule a meeting, providing a comprehensive end-to-end user journey.
**eShop Improvements**
Our 'eShop' has undergone substantial improvements, offering a more cohesive and user-friendly experience. The integration of additional options and filters facilitates a smoother sorting, allowing new visitors and budding consultants to consume our digital products with ease. Additionally, we have dynamically adapted the various payment gateways to their corresponding currencies.
**PhonePe Digital Payments Support (India)**
UPI payments are fully supported for our products and services sold in India through PhonePe.
PhonePe Integration
PhonePe digital UPI payments are fully supported for all our products sold in India.

**Enhanced Log In/Sign Up**
We have modernised the Log in and Sign up interfaces of our platform, crafting a more welcoming experience for new users. This update aims to attract visitors by simplifying the integration process and encouraging engagement with the platform's services. We also now offer Google's OAuth access for Gmail users.
**Improved Security Layer**
2-Steps Authentication is now fully supported for additional security.
**Navigation Overhaul**
The navigation is more intuitive than before, with an updated megamenu ensuring users navigate more easily. The footer has also been refreshed for mobile users to enhance accessibility, reflecting yechte's desire for simplification.
Introducing our megamenu to offer an enhanced and scalable navigation.

**Visual and UX Upgrades**
A series of minor UX and visual upgrades have been deployed across the website. These changes contribute to a more modern and efficient user experience.
**Various Bug Fixes**
In response to user feedbacks, various bugs have been addressed, resulting in a more stable platform. These fixes are part of our ongoing efforts to provide a superior experience and ensure peak performance as the number of visitors increases.
yechte v6.2 release is a significant evolution, introducing new features and improvements that cater to the needs of both established consultants and new visitors. Our focus on user experience, navigation, and accessibility underscores our commitment to customer satisfaction.
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